The veterinarians will look after the dogs best interests, from the time the dogs are inspected the day before the start of the competition until the team reaches the finish line.
Veterinarians will be on hand for drivers and dogs at each checkpoint where they can provide professional advice and guidance to each driver. Dogs taken out of competition are cared for by a veterinarian on site and can receive treatment if needed.
When the last team has crossed the finish line, the veterinarians select the driver who they believe took the best care of their dogs during the 350 km long competition. The “Best dog care” award is a much appreciated feature in connection with the award ceremony and the winner of the award always goes home as a proud driver.
Lotte Godijn
Last year I attented to Beaver Trap Trail as a veterinarian for the first time and got to experience the love for the husky dogs, nature of Sweden and the nice people during the race that I have met. So I am very happy that I can return to Sweden at the Amundsen race this year!
See you at the Vet check!
Tamar de Boer
I was lucky that I was lotted in straight away and I immediately felt at home. I completed my studies with great pleasure. During my internships it became clear that I prefer to work in the practice. Within the veterinary practice, I am very interested in internal medicine and I feel most at home in the consultation room.
I'm really looking forward to meeting you and your amazing athlete friends at Amundsen Race!
Sandra Tillmann
I also trained in Dry needling and Laser-Therapy.
I have Siberian Huskies and I do mushing over 18 years. I love combining both passions.
We try to travel to Sweden twice a year.
I‘m very happy to be there in February.
Erica Van Eekeren
In addition to the usual treatment methods of massage, mobilization and rehabilitation training, I’m specialized in the application of dry needling, kinesiotaping and lasertherapy.
Several mushers have already found their way to me in Månsberg, especially for a preventive check-up of their dogs. After all, “prevention is better than cure”!
I’m looking forward to meet you at the Amundsen Race: Have fun and good mush!