AR Program 2025
Last update: July 24 2024 (updates continuously)
Thursday, February 20
Race Registration 08:00 – 15.00
The race secretary / registration office is open for checking in, weighing of mandatory food, control of vaccination booklets, chip marking and sale of tickets for the banquet.
(Note: the banquet is included in the entry fee for mushers, for all others: 450 SEK. All mushers received an email Feb 11 to confirm their presence at the banquet and pre-order ticket for handlers/others, Kindly respond Monday 14th Feb at the latest).
Location: Folkets Hus, Ramselevägen 6, 83335, Strömsund

Veterinary check 08:00 – 15:00
Veterinary check: ALL dogs must to be checked before start.

Location: large public parking between gas station OKQ8 and the Strömsund bridge. Follow the signs.
Musher meeting 15:00 – 17:00
Musher meeting, mandatory for all mushers and handlers (presence will be checked). Presentation of sponsors, veterinary team, trail- and other important race information.

Location: Folkets Hus, Ramselevägen 6, 83335, Strömsund.
Room: Virveln
AR25 Opening Ceremony 19:00 – 19:45
AR25 Openings Ceremony in association with Heja Strömsund.
Mandatory for Mushers (Wear your BIB)
Location: Ström’s Church, Kyrkgatan 4, Strömsund
Friday, February 21
Drive to start area AR350 and AR250 07.00 – 08.00
Driving to the start area at the Hembygdsgården för the AR350 and AR250 race. Follow the signs and officials’ instructions about how/where to park.
Location: Hembygdsgården, Strömsund (near to the Strömsund bridge)
Appointed race officials will check mandatory equipment in the sleds before the start.
Note: Be on time to drive to the start area. I you are not in time you will not be able to start as you cannot enter the start area after your time-slot!
Drive to start area AR180 08.00 – 09.00
Driving to the start area at the Hembygdsgården for the AR180 race. Follow the signs and officials’ instructions about how/where to park.
Location: Hembygdsgården, Strömsund (near to the Strömsund bridge)
Appointed race officials will check mandatory equipment in the sleds before the start.
Note: Be on time to drive to the start area. I you are not in time you will not be able to start as you cannot enter the start area after your time-slot!
Race start 11.00 – 13:00
11.00 – 13.00 : The Amundsen – Mid Scandinavian Sled Dog Race 2025 starts!
Starting Order 2025
11:00 start of AR350-12 Dog class, 2-minute interval. You can find your individual start time here.
00:00 start of AR350-8 Dog class, 2-minute interval. You can find your individual start time here.
00:00 start of AR250-12 Dog class, 2-minute interval. You can find your individual start time here.
00:00 start of AR250-8 Dog class, 2-minute interval. You can find your individual start time here.
00:00 start of AR180 Dog class, 2-minute interval. You can find your individual start time here.
Saturday, February 22
Race on-going. The winning 180km teams are expected to the finish line in Fjällsikten, Tåsjö during mid Saturday morning (approx. 10:00?), depending on weather and wind. Last mushers are expected to reach the finish line during Sunday morning.
Last start out Checkpoint for the finish. (AR180)
NOTE: can be adjusted by the race judge!
Saturday February 22 at 17.00
Last start out of Norråker CP for AR180.
Sunday, February 23
Race on-going. The winning 350km teams are expected to the finish line in Fjällsikten very early during Sunday morning (approx. 05:00-06:00), depending on weather and wind. Mushers are expected to reach the finish line until 17.00 on Sunday afternoon.
Last start out Checkpoint for the finish. (AR350 and AR250)
NOTE: can be adjusted by the race judge!
Sunday 23 February 23 at 07.00
Last start out of Norråker CP for AR350.
Sunday February 23 at 07.00
Last start out of Fjällsikten CP for AR250.
Amundsen Race Evaluation meeting (Digital)
We decided to not have an evaluation meeting this year to give all participants and the organisation crew a little longer time to rest and take of the dogs before the cozy evening program.
But we do love feedback, so instead we will send out a digital evaluation form to all mushers that you can fill out before a certain date (to be communicated later).
Prize ceremony & Closing banquet 17.30 – 21:00 (pub open until ca 23:00)
Prize ceremony: 17:30 – 19:00 (winners not present = no prize)
Banquet 19:00 – 21:00
Pub night 21:00 – 23:00 (Note: We can serve alcohol during the banuqet and pub night at Fjällsikten)
Location: Fjällsikten – Tåsjöberget – Restaurant & Conference Room