Stephanie Skinner
United Kingdom
Sled Dog Club: FFST
Kennel Name: Winterspirit
LD Experiences: Beavertrap Classic 2018, Polardistans 170, 2019, Beavertrap 250, 2019, Amundsen 180, 2024, Beavertrap 180, 2024
Breed: Siberian Husky
Number of dogs in your kennel: 12
Number of years mushing: 16
Your family: Husband Colin, Son Robin
Occupation: Retired
Your hobbies: Dogs Dogs Dogs Gardening
Why Long Distance: Love being out in the ‘wild’ with the dogs, there are always little challenges to overcome.
Race strategy: Enjoy
Leaders in the team (name/age): Raphael 5 years, Summer 3 years
AR Previous Results
2024: AR180 - 18th Place