• Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Status field indicates: DNS = Withdrawn, ❌ = Scratched, DSQ = Disqualified, OTL = Over Time Limit, ✔️ = Mandatory Rest Taken.
  •   1   Green Pos color indicates finished.    22-12 08:30   ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Norråker).
  • Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Checkpoint Out = The checkpoint the musher has left.
  • Time Out = Time the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Dist = Distance (km) to the next checkpoint.
  • To Checkpoint = The next checkpoint the muscher is heading to.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • ETA = Estimated Time Arrival / ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Norråker)
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Norråker.
  • Pause Left = Mandatory Layover Time + Time Alignment left to be taken.
  • Status = Current status ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Taken)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  •   1 – (7 Dogs)   Green Cur. Pos color indicates finished.   4 » 07:32   (Pos CP Out) » Enroute Time to next Checkpoint.
  •   22-12 08:30   ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Norråker).   3 🡢]03:25    (Pos CP In) – Rest Time.   3[🡢 7 Dogs    (Pos CP Out)[🡢 CP Out with 7 Dogs
  • Out Start = Starting order. Position at the race start.
  • Checkpoint = Postion upon entering the checkpoint.
  • Current Postion = The current postion in the race.
  • Time In/Out = Time In or Out of the last (blue) checkpoint.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Norråker.
  • Bib – Musher = BIB Number + Name of the competitor.
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Norråker.
  • Time Left = Mandatory Layover Time + Time Alignment left to be taken.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Earliest Time Out = ETO (Checkpoint Norråker)
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  •   1   Green (Pos)ition color indicates finished.
  • Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Checkpoint In/Out = The last checkpoint the musher has come in or left.
  • Time In/Out = Time Into or Out of the last checkpoint
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Traveled Distance = Total distance traveled to the last checkpoint.
  • Race Time = Total time used when passed the finish line.
  • Time Difference = Time difference to fasted run time (Place 1).
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Status field indicates: DNS = Withdrawn, ❌ = Scratched, DSQ = Disqualified, OTL = Over Time Limit, ✔️ = Mandatory Rest Taken.
  •   1   Green Pos color indicates finished.    22-12 08:30   ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Norråker).
  • Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Checkpoint Out = The checkpoint the musher has left.
  • Time Out = Time the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Dist = Distance (km) to the next checkpoint.
  • To Checkpoint = The next checkpoint the muscher is heading to.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • ETA = Estimated Time Arrival / ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Norråker)
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Norråker.
  • Pause Left = Mandatory Layover Time + Time Alignment left to be taken.
  • Status = Current status ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Taken)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  •   1 – (7 Dogs)   Green Cur. Pos color indicates finished.   4 » 07:32   (Pos CP Out) » Enroute Time to next Checkpoint.
  •   22-12 08:30   ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Norråker).   3 🡢]03:25    (Pos CP In) – Rest Time.   3[🡢 7 Dogs    (Pos CP Out)[🡢 CP Out with 7 Dogs
  • Out Start = Starting order. Position at the race start.
  • Checkpoint = Postion upon entering the checkpoint.
  • Current Postion = The current postion in the race.
  • Time In/Out = Time In or Out of the last (blue) checkpoint.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Norråker.
  • Bib – Musher = BIB Number + Name of the competitor.
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every 5 minutes to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Norråker.
  • Time Left = Mandatory Layover Time + Time Alignment left to be taken.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Earliest Time Out = ETO (Checkpoint Norråker)
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  •   1   Green (Pos)ition color indicates finished.
  • Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Checkpoint In/Out = The last checkpoint the musher has come in or left.
  • Time In/Out = Time Into or Out of the last checkpoint
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Traveled Distance = Total distance traveled to the last checkpoint.
  • Race Time = Total time used when passed the finish line.
  • Time Difference = Time difference to fasted run time (Place 1).
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Status field indicates: DNS = Withdrawn, ❌ = Scratched, DSQ = Disqualified, OTL = Over Time Limit, ✔️ = Mandatory Rest Taken.
  •   1   Green Pos color indicates finished.    22-12 08:30   ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Norråker).
  • Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Checkpoint Out = The checkpoint the musher has left.
  • Time Out = Time the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Dist = Distance (km) to the next checkpoint.
  • To Checkpoint = The next checkpoint the muscher is heading to.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • ETA = Estimated Time Arrival / ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Fjällsikten)
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Fjällsikten.
  • Pause Left = Mandatory Layover Time + Time Alignment left to be taken.
  • Status = Current status ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Taken)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  •   1 – (7 Dogs)   Green Cur. Pos color indicates finished.   4 » 07:32   (Pos CP Out) » Enroute Time to next Checkpoint.
  •   22-12 08:30   ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Norråker).   3 🡢]03:25    (Pos CP In) – Rest Time.   3[🡢 7 Dogs    (Pos CP Out)[🡢 CP Out with 7 Dogs
  • Out Start = Starting order. Position at the race start.
  • Checkpoint = Postion upon entering the checkpoint.
  • Current Postion = The current postion in the race.
  • Time In/Out = Time In or Out of the last (blue) checkpoint.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Fjällsikten.
  • Bib – Musher = BIB Number + Name of the competitor.
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Fjällsikten.
  • Time Left = Mandatory Layover Time + Time Alignment left to be taken.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Earliest Time Out = ETO (Checkpoint Fjällsikten)
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  •   1   Green (Pos)ition color indicates finished.
  • Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Checkpoint In/Out = The last checkpoint the musher has come in or left.
  • Time In/Out = Time Into or Out of the last checkpoint
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Traveled Distance = Total distance traveled to the last checkpoint.
  • Race Time = Total time used when passed the finish line.
  • Time Difference = Time difference to fasted run time (Place 1).
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Status field indicates: DNS = Withdrawn, ❌ = Scratched, DSQ = Disqualified, OTL = Over Time Limit, ✔️ = Mandatory Rest Taken.
  •   1   Green Pos color indicates finished.    22-12 08:30   ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Norråker).
  • Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Checkpoint Out = The checkpoint the musher has left.
  • Time Out = Time the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Dist = Distance (km) to the next checkpoint.
  • To Checkpoint = The next checkpoint the muscher is heading to.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • ETA = Estimated Time Arrival / ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Norråker)
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Norråker.
  • Pause Left = Mandatory Layover Time + Time Alignment left to be taken.
  • Status = Current status ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Taken)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  •   1 – (7 Dogs)   Green Cur. Pos color indicates finished.   4 » 07:32   (Pos CP Out) » Enroute Time to next Checkpoint.
  •   22-12 08:30   ETO = Earliest Time Out (Checkpoint Norråker).   3 🡢]03:25    (Pos CP In) – Rest Time.   3[🡢 7 Dogs    (Pos CP Out)[🡢 CP Out with 7 Dogs
  • Out Start = Starting order. Position at the race start.
  • Checkpoint = Postion upon entering the checkpoint.
  • Current Postion = The current postion in the race.
  • Time In/Out = Time In or Out of the last (blue) checkpoint.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Norråker.
  • Bib – Musher = BIB Number + Name of the competitor.
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Time Alignment = Start Time Alignment Checkpoint Norråker.
  • Time Left = Mandatory Layover Time + Time Alignment left to be taken.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Earliest Time Out = ETO (Checkpoint Norråker)
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  • Cur. Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Time Out = Time Out the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Pos Out = Position when the musher left the checkpoint.
  • Dogs Out = The number of dogs the musher has left with.
  • Enroute Time = Time the musher is/was on the trail to the checkpoint.
  • Time In = The time when the musher has arrived into the checkpoint.
  • Pos In = Position when the musher came into the checkpoint.
  • Speed = Average Speed on the last run.
  • Stop Time = Current stop time in the checkpoint.
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Dst = Distance (km) to the checkpoint.
  • Σ Dst = Total Distance (km) from start to the checkpoint.
  • Status = Status in the checkpoint ( Scratched, Withdrawn, Disqualified, Over Time Limit, Mandatory Pause Take.)
  • Orange row indicates change since last update. AR Live Result will refresh data every minute to display the latest standings.
  •   1   Green (Pos)ition color indicates finished.
  • Pos = Current position in the race.
  • Bib = The number on the BIB, that is used to identify entrants in the race.
  • Checkpoint In/Out = The last checkpoint the musher has come in or left.
  • Time In/Out = Time Into or Out of the last checkpoint
  • Σ Enroute Time = Accumulated time on the trail.
  • Σ Stop Time = Accumulated stop time in the checkpoints.
  • (%) Stop Time = Σ Stop as percentage Σ Enroute time. 50% is equal time Enroute vs Stop time.
  • Traveled Distance = Total distance traveled to the last checkpoint.
  • Race Time = Total time used when passed the finish line.
  • Time Difference = Time difference to fasted run time (Place 1).